Saturday, October 25, 2008

Taxation isn't just "Oreo Cookies"

From today's _San Jose Mercury News_ letters section:

Rich Nielsen wrote:

In case any of your readers don't quite understand what Sen. Barack Obama's "income redistribution" amounts to, here is an analogy. You study real hard and get an A in class. Some other student skips class, hardly studies and gets a D. The professor decides that there is too great a disparity between the grades in the class, so he lowers your A to a B- and raises the D to a C+ to help even things out.

Sound fair to anyone?


There seems to be a great missunderstanding of the difference between "Equal Opportunity" and "Equal Results". The first is the American Ideal, the second seems to be the new way to measure progress on the first.

Results also include a component of "Effort and Ability".

Tax me too much and I'll stop working. That will reduce my taxes and sink everyone's boat.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Change, We Need"


I'm confused by your signs.

We Need

Is this a lame attempt at Yoda speak? Did you want to say "We need change", but wanted the "Change" part to be bigger and bolder?

In any case, "Change" is too easy and too dangerous. Different for the sake of different should not be confused with progress. Change is just entropy, not a way forward.

Your speeches frequently describe to your audience how your policies will benefit the individuals whose votes you seek.

You seem to want to invoke JFK's exhortation - "Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country!"

When you say the words it sounds like "Ask not what you can do for your country, but rather ask what your country can do for you!."

Ask more of your government. I could support that idea.

More - efficient
More - forward thinking
More - useful
More - humanitarian

Friday, October 10, 2008

A blog you might enjoy.

For the Jesuit educated among you (and every one else too)...