Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cars - Continued

Most Hated - This isn't an emotion that I'd usually admit to. The '90 Sable was GreenBarn's car to drive. It failed her more than any of the others and that can't be popular with the GreenTractor repair service. Also, the power steering had repeated problems - not a part of the car about which I'd have much tolerance for failure.

Least Favorite - Many of the entries in the fleet were "utility" cars - not special, but OK. I'd guess that the '90 Sable was the one that I was happiest to see go.

Most Favorite - The '29 Ford Model A will always have a special place in my heart. It was my "learing to drive" car and since it was old, simple, and unreliable it was the car that was my "classroom" for learning how to repair a car. The '63 Corvair was "my" first car. GreenBarn and I went on dates in that car. The '85 Fiero was fun to drive. Noisy inside and expensive (I've been doing dishes ever since). The '97 GM EV1 was a real treat to have. It was a real experience having to "qualify" to be "allowed" to have an EV1.

The "Best" car - I'd have to say that the '07 Prius fits that catagory.

The one I'd still like to have for a daily driver - '97 GM EV1.

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