Tuesday, April 22, 2008

An only child with three older brothers

I thought about this while driving 5420 yesterday. I think I owe my existence and my life to Billy.

If it weren't for Billy, I think my father would have joined the Navy as a Seabee. He would probably have been somewhere in the Pacific in early 1944.

I was a small baby (about 4 pounds) and was rather sick in the hospital. I got a penicillin injection and things got much better. Sounds simple - but penicillin had JUST become available in anything other than very small quantities in the spring of 1944 and the military had taken almost all of the production for their use (remember D-Day was in 1944). If Billy hadn't died under similar circumstances, I doubt that Dr. Ferrari would have been able to pull enough strings to get the dose that saved me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful. 'Cause I owe my existence to you and mom. So, therefore...

I wonder, also, if it was Strep B that affected you and your brother - I'm not so sure about the low birthweight part, but I know that all three of my children were treated with antibiotics immediately after delivery because I tested positive as a carrier for Strep B. It's a totally routine test now. Hmmm.